Section 1
ad hoc 特别的,专设的
antiquarian 古文物研究者;古文物的 antique 古董;古老的 anticipate 预期
apathetic 冷漠的(贬义) pathetic 可悲的 pathos 情感 sympathetic 同情的 apathy 冷漠的
archaic 陈旧的(贬义) ancient
bias 偏见;使某人产生偏见 bias in favor of/against sth biased 有偏见的
capricious 多变的,任性的 caprice 任性,随想曲 stable constant 稳定的
clamorous 吵闹的 claim
commentator 评论员,解说员 commentary 实况报道,评论
competing 矛盾的 the competing demands conflicting contradictory 互相矛盾的
comprehensive 全面的 comprehend 理解,包含 thorough 详尽的
controversial 有争议的(中性) controversy
conservative 保守的 conservative views conserve 节约,保存 conservation 保存 radical 激进的
cosmopolitan 世界性的,见多识广的 a cosmopolitan city cosmos 宇宙 politan 城邦 metropolitan 大都市
counterfeit 伪造的;伪造;伪造品 fake counterfeit currency
dearth 缺乏,不足 a dearth of labor shortage
deviate 偏离 deviate from 从...偏离 deviation diverge 分叉
empirical 实证主义的,经验主义的 scientific empiricism 实证主义 empiricist 实证主义者
epilogue 结语,后记 dialogue 对话 prologue 开场白
established 被证实了的,著名的
exaggeration 夸张 exaggerate exaggerated to say ... is an exaggeration overstatement
exclusive 排外的,独有的 exclude sb from mutually exclusive inclusive 包含的
exhaustive 详尽的 exhaust exhausted thorough comprehensive
fickle 易变的,无常的 fickleness capricious
framework 体系,框架 legal framework framer 制定框架的人
gainsay 否认 gainsay the fact that
haunted 闹鬼的,焦虑的 haunt 闹鬼,纠缠 the problem haunts me haunting 让人难忘的 daunt 使胆怯 gaunt 干瘪
hyperbole 夸张 hyper=beyond bole=ball overstatement exaggeration
idealistic 理想主义的,不切实际的 practical 务实的
imminent 马上发生的,迫近的+(贬义)imminent danger
impending 即将发生的 pend 悬挂
indifferent 漠不关心的,平庸的 be indifferent to sth apathetic
insular 与世隔绝的,保守的 insulate 使绝缘、孤立 isolated 孤立的 cosmopolitan 世界性的
intensify 加强,加剧 intense 强烈的 intensity 强度
intransigent 顽固的 intransigent refusal
invidious 令人讨厌的 an invidious comparsion 没有意义的比较 annoying insidious 阴险的
legitimate 合法的,合理的 legitimacy 合法性 legitimize
mercenary 雇佣兵,唯利是图的 merchant 商人 greedy 贪婪的
numinous 精神上的,神圣的,神秘的 holy supernatural
overstatement 夸大 exaggeration hyperbole overstate understatement 轻描淡写的
paradox 矛盾,悖论 paradoxical orthodox 正统,学说 contradiction conpeting
partial 部分的;偏心的 be partial to sth partiality 偏心 biased
prescient 预知的,有先见之明的 foresighted
presumption 假定;傲慢 presume (to do) 擅自做 presumptuous 擅自做主的
prophetic 有预见性的 prescient
recoil 畏缩,拒绝 recoil from doing sth;recoil at the idea reconcile 畏缩
shrink 缩小;避开 shrink from/away from sb recoil
sonorous 洪亮的
spontaneous 自发的,自然的 spontaneous act sporadic 零星的
sterling 英镑;优秀的 shilling 先令
stern 严厉的 stern warning strict rigid severe
succumb 屈服 succumb to pressure/tempetation
tedious 乏味烦人的 tedium 枯燥乏味
unambiguous 清晰的,好懂的 ambiguous 模糊的,难懂的 ambivalent 矛盾的 obscure 模糊的
upheaval 剧变,动乱 a political upheaval uproar 骚动,哗然
vague 模糊的 vagueness ambiguous obscure vogue 时尚
verse 韵文,诗歌 prose 无韵文,散文 versed 精通的 be versed at
yield 屈服,放弃;产生;产量 yield to sb;yield control;yield sth yielding 顺从的 unyielding 不让步的=intransigent succumb
Section 2
altruism 利他主义 altruistic 利他的 egotism 利己主义
ameliorate 改善 ameliorate a situation improve enhance
augment 增强,增大 intensify 加强
beneficence 善行 benefit beneficial beneficent benevolent
brook 小溪;容许,允许 brook no opposition tolerate accept
compromise 妥协;损害 compromising=unyielding comprise 包含 compromise the immune system
considerable 大量的,可观的 considered 深思熟虑的 considerate 体谅人的
convivial 欢乐的,友好的 a convivial atmosphere conviviality 欢乐
cordial 热情友好的 a cordial atmosphere cordiality
didactic 好说教的
diffident 羞怯的,内向的 diffidence
disclose 透露 dislose details of uncover
dispute 反驳;争论 be in dispute disputable 可争论的 disputative 好争论的 undisputable 无可争议的
exasperate 恶化,触怒 exasperation
fecund 肥沃的,多产的 fecundity
feeble 虚弱的,不可信的 a feeble argument
fertile 肥沃的,能生育的 fertility fecund
honorific 尊敬的;尊称 the honorific title
immutable 永恒的,不变的 mute mutable 可以改变的 changable unchangable
impede 阻碍 impede growth/progress impeded unimpeded impediment
impenetrable 难以穿透的;不能理解的 penetrate penetrable impenetrable inaccessible
instrumental 有用的 be instrumental in instrument
irascible 易怒的 irascibility exasperate
lavish 浪费的,慷慨的;为...花很多钱/大加赞赏 I lavished praise on her work wasteful
lopsided 不平衡的 imbalanced
malign 有害的;中伤,诽谤 malnutrition 营养不良 malignant 恶性的
overlook 忽视 oversight 疏忽;照管 overview 概述 outlook 观点
plastic 塑料;可塑的,不自然的 plasticity mannered 造作的
proprietary 专营的,专有的 property 财产
repertoire 指令系统;全部曲目
repudiate 拒绝,否认
robust 强有力的,健壮的
routine 惯例;惯例的,平淡乏味的
sanguine 乐观的,自信的 be sanguine about optimistic
self-perpetuating 自存自续的 perpetuate 使永续 perpetual 永恒的 penetrate impenetrable
straightforward 坦率的;易懂的 transparent 易懂的 forthright
turbulent 动荡的,湍急的 turbulence upheaval
verisimilitude 逼真 verisimilar 逼真的
Section 3
ambivalent 矛盾的,暧昧的 be ambivalent about sth ambiguous mixed
boast 吹嘘 boast about sth
censure 谴责 attract international censure censurable 该责备的 censor 审查
compliment 恭维 complement 补足 complimentary 赞美的,赠送的
condone 纵容,宽恕
condole 慰问,吊唁 condole with sb dole 失业金 condolent 哀悼的
contemptuous 轻蔑的 contempt 蔑视
convoluted 复杂的,难懂的 convolution complicated
culinary 烹饪的 culinary culture culinary skill
decry 谴责
discredit 使...丧失名誉 discredited disgrace
disposal 处理,清除 at your disposal dispose 安置,扔掉 disposition 性情
downplay 轻描淡写 overplay 添油加醋 overstate understate
elicit 引起,引发 elicit a positive response evoke
emulate 模仿 emulation imitate enumerate 列举
explicate 解释,说明 explicit 清晰的 explicable 可以理解的 inexplicable
extensive 广泛的,广阔的,巨大的 extend wide-ranging narrow
groundless 没有根据的 baseless
inconsequential 不重要的 consequence unimportant negligible
intricate 复杂的,精细的 extricate 摆脱 convoluted
labyrinth 迷宫,错综复杂的事情 labyrinthine 迷宫的 maze
loathe 厌恶 loath 不情愿的
muddle 混淆;混乱 be in a muddle confuse perplex
neophyte 新手 rookie 菜鸟 veteran 老兵
objective 客观的 unbiased fair subjective
obligate 迫使 obligate sb to do sth oblige obligation 义务 obligatory 义务性的
overshadow 给...蒙上阴影 A overshadow B
patron 资助人,顾客 patronize 赞助,屈尊对待 patronizing 高人一等的
pragmatic 务实的 practical idealistic
prevail 盛行;获胜 prevail over prevailing 流行的
prevalent 流行的 prevailing prevalence
provoke 引起,挑衅 provocative 挑衅的 provocation elicit
remedy 改善,纠正;治疗,解决办法 remedy the situation remedial 纠正的
stunning 令人震惊的,极好的 stun 打昏,使震惊 stunned statle statling 令人震惊的
supplant 代替 B is supplanted by A replace substitute
unprecedented 前所未有的,空前的 precedented 前面发生过的 unexampled 没有例子的
unwarranted 没有根据的 warrant 使...有必要;搜查力 warranted 有根据的 groundless baseless
vice 罪行,恶行 vicious 恶毒的 virtue 美德
zealot 狂热者(贬义) zeal 热情 zealous 热情的 extremist
Section 4
affable 和蔼可亲的 an affable man affability 亲切
amicable 友好的 affable
allure 魅力,诱惑力 lure 引诱;诱饵 alluring 诱人的
anomalous 异常的 anomaly abnormal atypical exceptional
asset 资产;优点 debt 债务
blemish 损害;瑕疵 blemish balm BB霜 problem blemished 有瑕疵的 unblemished 无瑕疵的
compassionate 同情的,慈悲的 compassion 同情心 sympathetic 有同情心的 apathetic
consistent 一致的,始终的,连续的 A is consistent with B inconsistent consistency
contagious 传染的,有传染力的 contagion infectious communicative transmissible 传染的
decisive 果敢的,决定性的 deciding decided 明确的
discursive 散漫的;分析的 discursion 漫谈离题
disparate 不同的,多元的 disparity 不同
engaging 迷人的 engage 吸引;从事;订婚 engage in engaged inviting 诱人的
erode 侵蚀,削弱,降低 erosive 侵蚀性的
exigency 危急关头 emergency breaking point exigent 迫切的
flippant 轻率的 flip 投掷硬币 flippancy 无礼
facetious 爱开玩笑的(不当场合)flippant
fractious 易怒的 be in a fractious mood fraction irascible
futile 无用的,徒劳的 a futile attempt futility 无用 fruitless vain (in vain)徒劳的;虚荣的
grandstanding 哗众取宠 grandstand 炫耀 show off
haphazard 偶然的,无计划的 zard 色子 hazardous 危险的
heterogeneous 异质的 heterosexual 异性恋 homosexual 同性恋 homogeneous 同质的
hodgepodge 大杂烩 hotchpotch mishmash omnium-gatherum
inattentive 疏忽的 attentive 关注的
intriguing 吸引人的,有趣的 intrigue 引发某人兴趣;阴谋 engaging
inveterate 根深蒂固的 an inveterate gambler veteran 老兵 venerate 尊敬 deep-rooted
ingrained 根深蒂固的 ingrained prejudices grain engrained inveterate
irk 使...烦恼 irksome 令人厌烦的
mar 破坏;污点 mark
mediocre 平庸的 medium common ordinary so-so
monolithic 大一统的,巨大而平庸的 monolithic processor 单片处理机
motley 杂色的;混杂物 a motley collection mote 尘埃 hodgepodge
nepotism 裙带关系 nepotistic 任人唯亲的
opportunistic 机会主义的,投机取巧的
opportune 时机正好的,时机恰当的 it comes at an opportune moment timely
overarching 包含一切的,影响一切的,首要的
partisanship 对党派的盲目支持 partisan 盲目支持的 nepotism
patchwork 拼凑的;拼凑 hodgepodge motley
prose 无韵文,散文 verse 韵文
sagacious 睿智的 sage 圣人 sagacity 睿智 wise
stigma 耻辱,污点 a stigma is attached to stigmatic 有污点的 stigmatize mar
tendentious 有倾向性的 biased partial
uneven 不规则的,不均衡的 even 规则的,均衡的 uneven distribution evenhanded 公平的 lopsided
oscillate 摇摆,波动 oscillate between A and B decisive
vacillate 犹豫不决 vacillate between/on vacillation vacillating=vacillant oscillate
variable 变量;可变的,多变的 vary variance changeable mutable
Section 5
adversarial 对抗的,对立的 an adversarial relationship between A and B adverse 不利的 adversary 对手 hostile 敌意的
antagonistic 敌对的,不相容的 be antagonistic to sb antagonist 敌手,反派 protagonist 主角 adversarial
benign 和善的;无害的 a benign tumor benignant 仁慈的 malign 恶性的
boorish 粗俗的,粗鲁的 boorish rejection boor 粗人 urbane 儒雅的
calamitous 灾难的 calamus 芦苇 calamity 灾难 disasterous
catastrophic 灾难的,惨败的 catastrophe calamitous
chivalrous 骑士的;彬彬有礼的 cavalier 骑士;无忧无虑的
circumspect 谨慎的 circumvent 回避 circumscribe 限制 careful guarded wary
compound 化合物;复合的;加剧 the problem is compounded by confound 混淆
conspicuous 显眼的 obvious remarkable noticeable
contradictory 互相矛盾的 contradiction contradict conflicting
contrive 策划(不好的)contrived 人为的,做作的 contrivance 诡计,人工产物
deleterious 有害的 have a deleterious effect on delete toxic poisonous
dichotomous 对立的 dichotomy 对立 contradictory
discern 觉察到 discernable=discernible 可以辨别的 discernment 洞察力
discretion 审慎,酌情决定权 discretionnary 酌情决定的 at the discretion of 听凭...的处置
disingenuous 虚伪的,不诚实的 ingenuous 老实的 ingenious 灵巧的
disregard 忽视,置之不理 dismiss
efficacious 有效的(药品)effect
enigmatic 谜一样的 enigma 谜题 mystery mysterious
exotic 外国的,奇异的
forbear 忍住不做 borbear to do sth/from doing sth forbearance 自制
foresee 预知 foreseeable 可预知的 prescient prophetic
hazardous 危险的 zard 色子
impetuous 冲动的 impetus 推动力
indigenous 本土的,当地的 indigenous population nonindigenous native exotic
inherent 内在的,固有的
inverse 相反的,颠倒的;倒置 the inverse of your logic invert 颠倒 inversion 倒置
jettison 丢弃,拒绝接收 jettsion the plan
momentous 重大的 the momentous decision momentary 短暂的 consequential significant eventful
myriad 无数的 a myriad of problems
orthodoxy 正统 orthodox 正统的 the new orthodoxy in unorthodoxy 异端的
precarious 危险的,不确定的 hazardous
reactionary 保守的,反动的 reaction conservative
subversive 颠覆性的;颠覆分子 subvert 颠覆 upheaval
surrender 投降,放弃,交出 surrender all rights to my property succumb
trifling 微不足道的 trifle 琐事
trivial 琐碎的 trifling
untenable 站不住脚的 an untenable argument tenable 站得住脚的 unwarranted groundless baseless
vulnerable 易受影响的,脆弱的 be vulnerable to
Section 6
accentuate 强调 accent 口音 emphasize highlight underscore
acrimony 辛辣,尖刻 acrimonious bitterness 挖苦
adversity 逆境,困境 adverse 不利的 adversarial 对立的 misfortune
anachronistic 时代错误的,过时的 chronicle 时间
atypical 非典型的 archetypical 典型的 anomalous 异常的
belie 掩饰;证明...是假的
betray 背叛;流露出 his face betrayed nothing
coagulate 凝固 coagulation 凝血
commensurate 相乘的,相当的 A is commensurate with B incommensurate commensurable 可比较的
comity 礼仪,礼让 courtesy civility
condemn 谴责;判决 be condemned to life imprisonment condemnation contempt 鄙视 censure decry
conformity 遵守,随大流 in conformity with 依照 conform to conformist nonconformist 离经叛道的人
consummate 完美的,技艺高超的;圆房 consummate skills
devolve 权力下放,演变 devolve power to regional governments evolve 进化
discriminate 区别对待,歧视 discriminate in favor of/against sb discrimination discriminatory indiscriminate 随意的,肆意的
dissent 异议 10 members dissented dissenter 持有异议的人
drawback 缺点,障碍 defect deficiency disadvantage shortcoming
dwindle 缩小,减少 dwindling 减少的 decrease
endorse 背书,公开支持 endorsement 认可,代言
evade 逃避,避开 evasive 逃避的 shrink
excessive 过多的,过度的 excess 过量
expel 驱逐,开除
extrapolate 推断 extrapolate from known facts extrapolation
flamboyant 耀眼的,派头十足的 flamboyance
improvise 即兴创作
innocuous 无害的 nocuous noxious deleterious 有害的
intrinsic 内在的,固有的 inherent instinct 直觉
insurmountable 不能克服的 surmount 克服 unconquerable unbeatable
lucrative 获利丰厚的 profitable
mask 面具,掩饰,遮掩 belie
mitigate 缓解 mitigation mediate 调解,调停 meditate 冥想
mordant 尖酸的,刻薄的 mordancy acrimonious
mullify 使无效 invalidate negate
obviate 消除,使...不必要 nullify
oust 驱逐 expel
persistent 持续存在的,执着的 persist insistent perserving
quirky 古怪的 quirk bizarre weird
resemble 类似,像 resemblance assemble 集合 dissemble 掩饰
sanction 批准,认可;国际制裁 impose sanctions against warrant
scant 少量的,不足的 pay scant attention to scanty 暴露的
steadfast 坚定的 steady
undue 过分的,未到期的 due 到期的,恰当的 excessive scant
Section 7
abbreviate 缩写 abbreviated 简短的 abbreviation 缩写词
amplify 扩大,增强 amplify a sound ample 丰富的 intensify augment
bolster 长枕头;增强,巩固 bolster economy bolster confidence
cliche 陈词滥调
condescending 屈尊的,居高临下 condescend to do sth/to sb 屈尊做某事 patronizing
conjecture 推测 empirical/empiricism
connoisseur 内行,鉴赏家 renaissance 文艺复兴
conventional 传统的 convention 大会,惯例 unconventional orthodox 正统的
corroborate 证实 corroborate the story collaborate 合作 corroboration 确证 establish
dampen 抑制,减少 dampen his enthusiasm damp 潮湿的 restrain
discreet 小心的,谨慎的 be discreet about sth discern 分开,分辨 discreetly circumspect
eclipse 日食月食;使黯然失色 overshadow ellipse 椭圆
edify 启发 edifying 启发人的 illuminate 照亮 enlighten
erudite 博学的 erudition 博学 learned
exacting 费劲的,严格的 an exacting task exigency 紧急 laborious demanding
felicitous 幸福的;恰如其分的 a felicitous remark felicity 幸福,恰当 infelicitous
fungible 可替换的 non-fungible token 非同质化代币 exchangeable interchangeable substitutable
judicious 明智的,判断正确的 discreet intelligent
marvel 奇迹;大为赞叹 marvel at sth marvelous 非凡的,奇迹般的
meticulous 一丝不苟的,关注细节的 careful
misleading 误导人的 misguided
obscure 模糊的,难懂的;遮掩,使晦涩 obscurity ambiguous
onerous 费劲的,费力的 onus 责任 exacting laborious
opaque 不透明的,难懂的 obscure
outstrip 超过 demand outstrips supply outperform outweigh
precipitate 仓促发生;仓促的 A precipitate B precipitation 降水 precipitous 鲁莽的;险峻的
prolific 多产的 fertile fecund
remarkable 卓越的,引人注目的 conspicuous
scarce 短缺的,不足的 scant
speculate 猜测,投机 speculation speculative conjecture
tactful 老练的,有分寸的 tact 机智,圆滑 tactless 不机智的,笨拙的 ingenuous sophisticated diplomatic
thrive 茁壮成长 thriving 繁荣的
unfounded 没有根据的 unwarranted untenable groundless baseless
Section 8
adjunct 补充,附属物,副,修饰语 A is an adjunct to B adjunctive adjunction
antediluvian 过时的,陈旧的 antediluvian attitudes towards women anachronistic 时代错误的,过时的,超前的 cliche 陈词滥调
constitute 组成,构成 A constitute B constitution 组成;宪法 constituent 选民
chauvinistic 沙文主义的,大男子主义 chauvinist chauvinism jingoism
disown 否认,和...脱离关系 disown sb/sth gainsay
downright 彻头彻尾的 thoroughly
draconian 严酷的 severe rigorous
envisage 设想 envisage the consequence of war
fault 错误,断层;批评 find fault with 找茬
flighty 轻浮的,反反复复的 flighty capital markets flippant facetious
interdependence 互相依赖的
magisterial 有权威的,专横的 authoritative 权威的
outlook 观点,前景 a positive outlook on life overlook 疏忽 oversight 疏忽,监督
predominant 主导型的 predominance predominate 主导型的 prevailing
proclaim 宣告,强调 proclaim its independence proclamation of emancipation 解放黑奴宣言
profess 声称,表达(口是心非) profess to do sth professor profession 职业,声明
rapacious 贪婪的 rape 掠夺 rapacity 贪婪 greedy
self-serving 自私自利的 altruistic 利他的
versatile 多才多艺的,用途广泛的 versatility 用途广泛 all-round 多面手的
withstand 抵御 withstand attack withdraw 撤回;取款 withhold 拿住不给
Section 9
apropos 关于,谈及 suggestion apropos the script 关于剧本的建议 apropos of that
arduous 费力的 a long and arduous trip exacting onerous
avaricious 贪婪的 avarice avid 热切的 rapacious
bearing 举止,关系 A have a bearing on B 有关 forbear 忍住不去做,承担
burlesque 滑稽剧 black comic burlesque
cagey 遮掩的,精明的 a cagey consumer be cagey about giving out details tactful
chronicle 编年史;按时间顺序写 anachronistic 过时的
churlish 不礼貌的,粗野的 boorish
clandestine 神秘的,暗中 clandestine meetings secretive underground
complacent 自满的 complacency complaisant 彬彬有礼的,殷勤的
covert 隐秘的 supply covert military aid clandestine covet 垂涎欲滴
deliberate 故意的,深思熟虑的;仔细考虑 considered designed intended
derivative 衍生的;衍生物 derive original
esoteric 限于小圈子的,难懂的 convoluted impenetrable ambiguous obscure opaque
evanescent 容易消散的,短暂的 capture this evanescent experience temporary
exhilarating 令人高兴的 exhilarate exciting
forestall 预先阻止 prevent preclude
illusory 虚幻的,虚假的 his freedom is illusory illusion illusionary 错觉的 counterfeit fake
loquacious 多话的,啰嗦的 chatty gabby
momentary 瞬间的,短暂的 momentous 意义重大的 evanescent
mundane 世俗的,平凡的;平凡的事物 do mundane tasks secular
parody 戏仿 burlesque
pastiche 模仿之作 a pastiche of ideas hodgepodge patckwork motley
penetrating 刺耳的,有洞察力的 penetrate 穿透 impenetrable 难懂的 piercing 刺穿的
perfidious 不忠诚的 perfidy disloyal traitorous
perilous 危险的,险恶的 peril 危险 precarious hazardous
permeate 弥漫,全面影响 bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system permeable 可渗透的 penetrate
pioneering 先锋的,先驱的 innovative derivative
plagiarize 剽窃 plagiarism plagiarist
pretense 假装,伪装 pretend makes a pretence of reading affect
prosaic 平凡的 prose mundane
pugnacious 好斗的 pugnacity aggressive
punctilious 一丝不苟的,拘谨的 punctual 守时的 meticulous
satire 讽刺,讽刺作品 satirize satirical irony sarcasm
tabloid 通俗小报 tablet 药片
truculent 好斗的 truculence turbulent 动荡的 pugnacious
voracious 贪婪的,如饥似渴的 avaricious rapacious
Section 10
alacrity 敏捷,欣然 do sth with alacrity
arcane 神秘的,难懂的 clandestine obscure opaque
baffle 使...困惑 sth battles sb baffling 使人困惑的 puzzle confuse confound
banal 陈腐的,平庸乏味的 banality 平凡,陈腐 cliche
beguile 欺骗,使着迷 guile 诡计 be beguiled by sb/sth beguile sb into doing sth beguiling 迷人的 intriguing inviting engaging
buoy 浮标;使振奋 be buoyed up by buoyant 轻快的
conciliate 安抚,劝慰 conciliatory 愿意和解的 conciliation 调解 uncompromising intransigent
credible 可信的,有可能成功 credit 学分,相信 incredible believable
detrimental 有害的 be detrimental to detriment 损害 deleterious nocuous
disheartening 令人沮丧的 the news was disheartening for investors dishearten frustrating discouraging
fervor 热情,热烈 investment fervor fever 发烧
inaccessible 不能获得的,难懂的 language is inaccessible to some people impenetrable
indolent 懒惰的 indolence insolent 傲慢的
insouciant 漫不经心的 insouciance cavalier carefree
knotty 复杂的,难以解决的 knot 结 thorny 荆棘的
lethargic 无精打采的,昏睡的 lethargy 无精打采 inactive sleepy
pedestrian 行人;平庸乏味的 prosaic banal
quixotic 异想天开的,堂吉诃德的 idealistic pragmatic
skullduggery 欺诈,诈骗 political skullduggery
stoicism 斯多葛学派,寡欲 stoic 坦然面对困难的
submit 提交,顺从 submit to sth submissive 顺从的 succumb surrender
suppress 抑制,镇压,禁止 suppress a smile/rebellion suppression repress
vapid 无趣的,乏味的 make a vapid comment vapidly pedestrian
Section 11
absorbing 引人入胜的 absorb 吸收 inviting intriguing engaging beguiling
acute 严峻的,急性的 an acute economic crisis/illness acutely serious keen
afflict 使困扰,折磨 be afflicted by pain afflictive 痛苦的 affliction
alienate 冷落,疏远 alienate sb from sth alien 陌生的 alienation 异化 estrange
animadvert 谴责
apt 适合的 the words of the report are as apt today as in the 1900s apt to do sth apropos felicitous
braggart 爱吹牛的;吹牛者 brag 吹牛,自夸 boast
bureaucratic 官僚的 bureaucratic delays bureaucracy 官僚主义
complement 补充,衬托;补充物 A is a complement to B complete complacent
confrontation 对抗,对峙 avoid confrontation with him confront 面对 conflict combat
counterpart 对应的人或物
culmination 高潮,结局 culminate 达到高潮 height peak summit
deplore 谴责 deplore the violence deplorable 令人震惊的 implore 乞求 animadert censure decry
divination 占卜 divine 神圣的 prophetic
elucidate 阐释,说明 shed light on
encumber 拖累,阻碍 A encumbers B B is encumbered by A encumbered unencumbered encumbrance 累赘 cumber 妨碍 cucumber 黄瓜 impede
enterprising 有开拓精神的,有创新精神的 enterprise ambitious
excavate 挖掘 excavate the site excavation
exposition 博览会,详细的说明 an exposition of their legal position expose
grinding 令人难以忍受的,无休止的,声音刺耳 grinding poverty grind 研磨,折磨
hinder 阻碍 hinder sb from doing sth encumber impede
interference 干预,干涉 interference from sb/sth interfere in sth/with sb interfering 多管闲事的 disturbance
limpid 透明的,清澈的 transparent crystal
naysay 拒绝 naysayer 摇头族 gainsay 否定
pellucid 透明的,好懂的 limpid
perplex 使困惑,使为难 perplexing 让人困惑的 baffle puzzle confuse confound
polemical 好争辩的 a polemical book polemic 好争辩的 disputatious contentious
potency 力量,影响力,效力 potent 有力的 impotent 无力的 power efficiency
preoccupied 全神贯注的,专注的 be preoccupied with sth preoccupy 占据
pushover 容易做的事,容易被说服的人
replete 充满的 A is replete with B deplete 耗尽的
rudimentary 基本的,原始的(未发展的)rudiment 雏形 elementary fundamental
stem 茎;阻碍;起源 stem from stem cell encumber hinder impede
trade-off 权衡协调 a trade-off between the benefits and the risk of side effects exchange
tranquil 平静的,稳定的 tranquilize 使...镇定 tranquilizer 镇定剂
Section 12
abound 大量存在 the lake abounds with fish replete 充满的
coalesce 合并,结合 colesce A B and C into D coalescent 合并的 coalition 联合 a coalition government
decadence 颓废,堕落 decadent 颓废的 decadency corruption
degenerate 堕落,恶化;堕落的,颓废的 degenerate into sth degeneracy degenerative 病情退化的 decadent
discount 折扣,打折,认为...不重要/不对 disregard dismiss
discrete 离散的 discretion 自由裁决权 discreet 谨慎的
garrulous 话多的,饶舌的 chatty gabby loquacious
importunate 再三要求的,纠缠不休的 importune 强求 importune sb for sth pester 强求 insistent persistent
intoxicate 使醉酒,使入迷 beguile
mercurial 水银的,多变的,活泼机智的 mercury 水银,水星 capricious fickle
misguided 误导人的 misleading
neutralize 使中立/中和/无效 neutralize the fears of inflation neutral
overt 明显的,公然的 overtly covert 隐蔽的
perfunctory 敷衍的,例行公事的 a perfunctory nod
proliferate 繁殖,激增 proliferation surge balloon
repository 仓库,知识库 My father a repository of family history repertoire 指令集
serene 宁静的,平静的 serenity 宁静 tranquil
stagnate 停滞 profits have stagnated stagnation 经济、成长停滞 stagnant
undermine 破坏,逐渐削弱 undermine his authority undergird 加固
Section 13
aberrant 异常的,反常的 aberrant behaviors aberrance errant 行为不当的 anormalous atypical
authoritarian 独裁主义的 authority authoritative 权威的
blithe 不在意的,漫不经心的 cavalier insouciant
blur 使模糊,blur the boundary between A and B blurred 模糊不清的
catalyst 催化剂 a catalyst for change catalyse 催化 catalysis 催化作用
charismatic 魅力超凡的 charisma 魅力
conundrum 谜题 enigma enigmatic
counteract 抵消,中和 neutralize
cunning 狡猾的,灵活的 a cunning liar cagey 精明的
detract 减损,贬低 A detract from B distract
diminish 减少 his influence has diminished with time
disposition 性情,倾向,布置 dispose 放置 disposal
duplicitous 奸诈的,双重的 duplicate dupe 欺骗 duplicity 口是心非 disingenuous 不老实的
egalitarian 平等主义的 evangelical 福音的
entertaining 令人愉快的 entertain inviting intriguing engaing beguiling absorbing
feckless 软弱的,无效的 a lazy and feckless man futile 徒劳的 impotent
histrionic 表演的,矫揉造作的,装腔作势的 historic 有历史意义的 historical 历史的 plastic 人为的 mannered 矫揉造作的
imperturbable 冷静的,沉着的 perturable 易被影响的 perturb=disturb
incontrovertible 无可争议的,不容置疑的 controvertible indisputable undoubted
indolent 懒惰的,好逸恶劳的 insolent 傲慢的
mainstay 支柱 a country's economic mainstay
megalomaniacal 夸大狂的 megalomania magnificent 宏伟的 magisterial 专横的
magnanimous 宽宏大度的 a magnanimous gesture
munificent 非常慷慨的 magnanimous
nebulous 星云的,模糊的 a nebulous concept obscure opaque
nettlesome 令人烦恼的,棘手的 irksome vexing
palpable 可以感知的 a palable sense of relief impalpable 难懂的
paragon 完人,典范 I make no claim to be a paragon paradigm 范式 model prototype
pertinent 相关的,切题的 a pertinent question/fact impertinent pertaining
stump 树桩,把...难住 be stumped by an unexpected question
taciturn 沉默寡言的 tacit 默许 taciturnity garrulous loquacious 话很多的
tangible 有形的,可感知的 intangible 无形的,难懂的 palpable
uncompromising 不让步的,坚定的 compromise unyielding insistent persistent
volatile 挥发性的,不稳定的,反复无常的 a volatile personality volatility 挥发性 capricious fickle mercurial
Section 14
affinity 喜爱,亲密关系 there is a close affinity between Italian and Spanish affiliate 附属
analogous 类比的,类似的 A is analogous to B analogy 类比
boisterous 喧闹的,吵闹的 ten boisterous seven-year-olds flamboyant 耀眼的 buoy 振奋的 clamorous
celebrity 名人,名望 TV celebrities celebrated 著名的
commence 开始 commence with commencement 毕业典礼
dim 昏暗的,模糊;使变暗 Their economic prospects have dimmed
extravagant 奢侈的,放纵的 extravagant tastes exaggerate 夸张的 lavish
flatter 奉承,谄媚 are you trying to flatter me? flattery 恭维
idiosyncrasy 个人特质 idiosyncratic 有个人特质的
imperative 必要的,命令的 imperative sentence necessary
infinite 无限的,无穷的 a teacher with infinite patience finite 有限的 myriad 无数的
lingering 拖延的,迟迟不散的 linger 逗留,徘徊 lingering doubts
minuscule 极小的,极少的 a minuscule amount of time
panacea 灵丹妙药 panacea for economic or social ills elixir
revisionist 修正主义的 revise 修改
slack 松的,松懈的,不景气的;富余的部分 slack off 偷懒
spur 马刺;激励 spur sb to do sth check 限制
univocal 单一意思的,意义明确的 equivocal 意思不明确的
unpretentious 谦逊的,不张扬的 pretend pretentious 张扬的 presumptuous 张扬的 unpresumptuous
Section 15
assuage 平息,缓和 assuage his grief assuagement ease mitigate 平息,缓解
alleviate 减轻,缓和 alleviate suffering alleviate poverty alleviation assuage
baroque 巴洛克,巴洛克的
contemplate 思忖,沉思 contemplate your future temple
debilitate 使虚弱,削弱 debilitate the industry debilitating 让人虚弱的 debilitated 虚弱的 debilitation feckless 无力的
debunk 揭穿真相,驳斥 his theories have been debunked by recent research belie 掩饰;揭示...是假的
distaste 厌恶 look around the room in distaste distasted for sb/sth distasteful 令人厌烦的 dislike
hostile 敌对的,反对的 be hostile to hostility adversarial antagonistic
intricate 复杂的,错综的 intricate patterns intricacy 错综复杂 convoluted
malady 疾病,痼疾 violent crime is one of the maladies in modern society
misconception 错误认识,误解 deal with some common misconception preconception 先入为主的想法 misunderstanding mis interpretation misapprehension
obeisance 尊敬,敬礼 obedient 顺从的 pay obeisance to sb
ornament 装饰品;装饰 the building is an ornament to the city ornamental 装饰性的 decoration
overload 过载 overload sb with overloaded overladen
plague 瘟疫;折磨,困扰 be plagued by doubt plaguy afflict 折磨
plentitude 充分的 a plentitude of restaurants plenty
preclude 排除,阻碍 lack of time precludes any further discussion preclusive 妨碍的 exclude forestall 预先阻止
privation 贫困 private 剥夺,使个人化 privacy
profuse 丰富的,浪费的 profuse bleeding profusion 丰富,慷慨 abounding replete extravagant lavish
resonate 共鸣,对...很重要
resurgence 复兴,复活 the resurgence of violence surge 快速增长 resurrection 复兴、
sectarian 教派的,狭隘的 sectarian attacks/violence partisanship nepotism 任人唯亲
solitude 独处,独居 solitary 孤独的 I longed for solitude solidarity 团结
solicitude 牵挂,关怀 solicitude for sb/sth towards solicit 请求 solicitous 关心的,挂念的
sycophantic 阿谀奉承的,谄媚的 a sycophantic review sycophant 谄媚者 sycophancy flattering 谄媚的
wary 小心的,提防的 be wary of sb/sth/doing sth keep a wary eye on 密切关注某人 unwary 粗心的 warily 小心地 alert 小心的
wont 习惯 be wont to do sth
Section 16
abhor 憎恨 he abhors violence abhorrent 值得憎恨的 loathe
abominate 憎恨 abominable abomination abhor loathe
anecdote 轶事,传闻 anecdotal 轶事的 hearsay
anonymous 匿名的,没有特色的 an anonymous donor anonymity 匿名 anonym 假名 innominate 没有姓名的
aspirant 有抱负的人 a young aspirant to power aspire 渴望 aspiration aspirational enterprising ambitious careerist
confessional 忏悔的;告解室 confess 承认,坦白 confession 忏悔
content 内容,目录;满意的;使满意 be content with contented 满足地 contend 争夺,辩称
dilemma 两难 be faced with the dilemma of whether or not to my country difficulty
disciplined 遵守纪律的,受过训练的 self-disciplined 自律的 discipline 训练 undisciplined
disdain 蔑视 treat sb with disdian disdain sb‘s offer of help disdainful 蔑视的 contempt 蔑视
egregious 惊人的,过分的 excessive incredible
gregarious 社交的,群居的 sociable
enchant 使着迷,使沉醉 enchanting 迷人的 inviting absorbing disenchant 使某人失望 beguile intoxicate
encomium 颂词,赞美 encomiastic 赞颂的
evenhanded 公平无私的 an evenhanded man fair just
exalt 赞美,赞扬 encomium
excoriate 擦破皮肤,严厉指责,谴责 excoriate me in front of other excoriation censure decry animadvert deplore
formidable 强大的,可怕的
fruitful 富有成果的 fruitless 无效的
indict 控告,起诉 be indicted for murder indictable 可以被起诉的 indictment 起诉书
invective 谩骂 indictment
omnipresent 无处不在的 media are omnipresent
omniscient 全知的
omnipotent 全能的
pervasive 普遍的 a sense of social change is pervasive in her pervade 弥漫,遍及 pervalent prevailing 流行的
predicament 困境,窘境 financial predicament delimma
ploy 策略,花招 a clever marketing ploy
quandary 困境 be in a quandary predicament
refine 提炼,改善 the technique is constantly being refined refined 精细的 refinement 精致 improve
rehabilitate 恢复健康,恢复名誉 resurgence 复兴 复活
relish 享受,喜爱 relish the challenge of doing sth eat with relish enjoy
scathing 猛烈抨击的,严厉批评的 a scathing attack on the new management scathe 严厉批评 scathed 被人批评的 unscathed 未受伤害的 excoriate 严厉批评
specious 似是而非的,华而不实的
superficial 肤浅的,表面的
trickster 骗子
ubiquitous 无处不在的 a ubiquitous movie star ubiquity 无处不在 omnipresent
utilitarian 功利主义的,实用主义的 utility 实用,公共事业
valorize 稳定物价,赞美 valor 勇气 exalt
Section 17
abnegate 放弃,舍弃 self-abnegation 内省 abnegation 放弃,克制
accretion 堆积 accrete 增生
amalgam 汞合金,混合物 the film script is an amalgam of all three books amalgamate 混合 amalgamation compound
censorious 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 censor 审查 picky
credulous 轻信的 incredulous 防范的 incredible
elite 精英 elitist elitism 精英主义 pupulist 大众主义
elude 躲避,避开 sth elude sb 记不住 elusive 难懂的 evade 避开
eminent 杰出的,有名的 an eminent professor eminence 杰出 preeminent 卓越的 imminent 马上发生的
encyclopedic 知识渊博的 encyclopedia 百科全书 erudite learned
endeavor 努力,尝试 endeavor to do sth effort struggle
entice 诱使,怂恿 entice sb to do sth entice sb into doing sth enticing 迷人的 enticement 诱惑,怂恿
harbinger 先兆,先驱,传令官 a harbinger of winter pioneer precursor
incisive 深刻的,果敢的 incisive comment/analysis incise 雕刻 incision 伤口
long-winded 冗长的,啰嗦的 a long-winded article windy 冗长的 loquacious garrulous
lull 使放松,使平静;间歇期 lull the children to sleep lullaby 摇篮曲 lure 劝诱,诱惑
mythical 神话的,虚构的 myth 迷思 mythology 神话学 fictional 虚构的
overbearing 专横的,傲慢的 overbear 压倒一切 magisterial presumptuous pretentious
panoply 华丽服饰,全副盔甲 a panoply of 大批
pedantic 迂腐的,掉书袋的,学究气的 pedant 书呆子 bookish eggheaded
protent 前兆,预示 A is a protent of B portend harbinger foreshadowing 前兆 potent 有力的
pseudoscience 伪科学 pseudonym 假名 pseudocode 伪代码
rambling 闲聊的,不切题的,不知所云的 a rambling letter ramble 闲聊,漫游 discursive pertinent pertaining 切题的
recapitulate 概括,概要 to recapitulate briefly recap 摘要 recapitulation sum up abstract
respite 缓解,暂缓;缓刑 continue to work without respite lull 间歇期
remiss 疏忽的 it is remiss of sb to do sth be remiss in sth/doing sth remission
reverent 非常尊敬的,非常恭敬的 revere 尊敬 respectful venerate 尊敬
scold 斥责,责骂 scold sb for arriving late scolding 责骂 censure decry animadvert deplore excoriate
scrutiny 仔细审查 under close scrutiny scrutinize 仔细查看 scrutable 可以理解的 inscrutable
solemn 庄严的,严肃的 solemnity serious grave
tenacity 韧性,固执 tenacious intransigent 固执的
upsurge 涌起,高涨 an upsurge in violent crime
usher 引导,引领;引座员
wherewithal 必要的资金/设备 lack the wherewithal to do sth
Section 18
acerbic 尖酸的,严厉的 the letter was written in an acerbic style
acquiesce 默许,勉强同意 acquiesce in sth acquiesent 默认的 acquiescence 默许 acquaint 使熟悉
allege 宣称,断言,指控 it is alleged that alleged 所谓的=so-called
astute 精明的,狡猾的 an astute businessman astutely cunning cagey
awry 歪的,出错的 the plan goes awry
contentious 爱争论的,引发争议的 contend polemical 好辩的
courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的 courage encourage valorous 英勇的
customary 习惯的,通常的 it is customary to tip waiters custom 海关,风俗
indefensible 不可辩护的,不可谅解的 indefensible behaviors defend defensible inexcuseable unforgivable
deprecate 强烈反对,抨击 deprecating 反对的 deprecatory 反对的 exalt
disband 解散 the committe formally disbanded in August disbandment dismiss
egoist 自高自大者,自我中心者 egoistic 自私的 altruistic 利他的
evaporate 蒸发,消失 vapor 水蒸气 vapid 乏味的 vaporize 蒸发
flourish 繁荣,旺盛 business flourished flourishing 繁荣的 thrive
ingenious 心灵手巧的,独创的 ingenuous 天真的,老实的
languish 憔悴,受煎熬,没有取得进展 the company gradually languished slack 松弛,偷懒 lethargic 无精打采
methodical 有条理的 a methodical study ordered
practitioner 参与者,专门人才 a qualified practitioner 执业者
punctuate 加标点,打断 the game was punctuated by a series of injuries punctuation 标点 punctilious 一丝不苟的 punctual 守时的
remunerate 酬劳 remunerate sb for sth remuneration 报酬 remunerative 有利可图的 lucrative profitable
seditious 煽动性的 seditious pamphlets sedition 暴动
simultaneous 同时的 simultaneous interpreting 同声传译 simultaneously simultaneity
symmetrical 对称的 symmetry 对称 asymmetry 不对称
synopsis 概要 a brief synopsis of the book synoptic 概要的 recap 概要 synonym 同义词
tenet 原则,信条 one of the basic tenets of Christianity tenable 站得住脚的 untenable 站不住脚的
terrestrial 陆地的,地球上的 territory 领地
unassuming 谦逊的 assuming 傲慢的 unpretentious unpresumptuous
unimpeachable 无可指摘的,无懈可击的 impeach 归咎 impeachable 可以批评的 indisputable indefensible
Section 19
austere 严厉的,苦行的,朴素的 an austere man austerity 朴素 severe
ascetic 苦行的,过清苦生活的;苦行僧 the monks lived a very ascetic life austere
compliant 顺从的,服从的 compliant students compliance 服从 compliancy comply with 服从 obeisance obedient
cowardice 惧怕 he openly accused his opponents of cowardice coward 懦夫,胆小的
cumbersome 笨重的,累赘的 burdensome 负担重的 cumbersome legal procedures encumber 阻碍
synical 犬儒主义的,愤世嫉俗的 be synical about cynicism 犬儒主义 skeptical stoicism 斯多哥主义
eccentric 古怪的,反常的 eccentric behaviors/clothes eccentricity quirky aberrent
emotive 有感染力的,激起感情的 emotive language/words emotional
ephemeral 短暂的 the country’s ephemeral unity evanescent momentary
erratic 不稳定的,不规则的,古怪的 the electricity supply here is quite erratic eccentric
latent 潜在的,潜伏的 latent disease potential hidden
mawkish 自作多情的,无病呻吟的 a mawkish poem mawkishness 伤感 sentimental
melodramatic 情节剧的,耸人听闻的 melodrama 情节剧 exaggerate hyperbole
ostentatious 招摇的,卖弄的 he gave an ostentatious yawn ostentation unostentatious flamboyant grandstanding
outmoded 过时的 an outmoded attitude outdated antediluvian anachronistic
predilection 偏好,嗜好 have a predilection for sth
proclivity 倾向,嗜好 proclivity for predilection preference tendency disposition
ramshackle 破烂不堪的,松散的 a ramshackle building a ramshackle organization
rarefied 曲高和寡的,空气稀薄的 the rarefied atmosphere of academic life
restive 焦躁不安的,难以驾驭的 the audience grew restive compliant obedient 顺从的 incompliant disobedient restless
snag 挂住,障碍 晾衣架 please let me know if you run into any snags
spartan 斯巴达的,简朴的,清苦的 austere
tractable 易于管教的,易于驾驭的 the country's least tractable social problems tractability intractable compliant obedient restive
unaffected 未受影响的,自然真诚的 affect/effect affect doing sth 假装 spontaneous
unwieldy 笨拙的,笨重的,难以处理的 the benefits system is complicated and unwieldy and needs reforming wield 运用 cumbersome
viable 可行的,可存活的 a viable option/propostion viability feasible
waver 犹豫不决,摇摆 waver over whether to do sth or not wavering 摇摆的 oscillate vacillate
Section 20
bypass 支路;绕开;不顾 a new road now bypasses the town circumvent 绕开 impasse 僵局
choke 窒息 his voice was choking with rage choke to death choking 令人窒息的 chocky 窒息的
codify 编纂 code 法典 modify
daunting 让人害怕的 a daunting task daunt 令气馁 formidable discouraging haunt 闹鬼,萦绕 gaunt 干瘪的,憔悴的
demoralize 使泄气 moral 士气 constant criticism is enough to demoralize anybody daunt discourage
disinterested 公正的,无私的 disinterest 冷漠 fair just unbiased
foster 促进,抚养 foster better relations within the community nurture encourage
galvanize 镀锌,刺激 galvanize them into action stimulate
hallmark 特点,打上标记 the technique has become the hallmark of the company
hallucination 幻觉 high temperatures can cause hallucination hallucinate 产生幻觉
impassive 冷漠的,无动于衷的 the impassive expression/face impassively impassioned 充满感情的 impasse 僵局
paralyze 瘫痪,失去活动能力 the city has been paralyzed by sudden storms
patent 专利;显而易见的 this was patent nonsense apparent obvious manifest
predecessor 前任,前辈 the predecessor of sth/sb pioneer precursor harbinger
sluggish 萧条的,懒惰的 a sluggish economy sluggishly sluggishness slug 懒鬼 slack stagnant
thwart 挫败,阻止 thwart sb's plans frustrate beat
transient 短暂的 the transient nature of speech transience transit 中转,过渡 evanescent momentary ephemeral
transitory 短暂的
unassailable 不容置疑的,不可战胜的 the party now has an unassailable lead assail 攻击 incontrovertible indisputable unimpeachable
unchecked 不加约束的,放任的 check 约束 check and balance 制约权衡
Section 21
ancillary 辅助的,从属的,附属的 ancillary staff/services/equipment ajunctive auxillary
auspicious 吉利的,吉祥的 inauspicious an auspicious start to promising
crater 陨石坑,火山口
diminutive 微小的 she was a diminutive figure beside her husband diminution minuscule
ethereal 缥缈的,超凡的 ethereal music heavenly
incursion 入侵,侵犯,介入 armed incursions into border areas by rebel forces incursive 入侵的 invasion infringement
indisputable 无容置疑的,无可争辩的 unassailable incontrovertible indefensible 无可捍卫的
long-standing 长期存在的,一直都有的 a long-standing relationship
plausible 貌似可行的,貌似真实的 specious 假的 implausible 不可行的
quiescence 沉默,静止 quiet acquiescence 默许
retroactive 追溯的 the ruling should be applied retroactively
stifle 窒息的 the new rules stifle creativity stifling 让人窒息的 choke
unbridled 无约束的 bridle 缰绳,约束 unchecked
uncontested 无争议的 an uncontested election/divorce contested争议的 incontrovertible indisputable unassailable
unsettling 令人不安的 have several unsettling dreams every night restive
Section 22
averse 反对的 be averse to sth aversion to 厌恶 avert 避开 adverse 相反的
cease 停止 cease sth cease to sth you never ceases to amaze me ceaseless unceasing 不停的
conjure 变魔术,像变魔术一样突然出现 conjure sth up conjuring 魔术 conjecture 推断
dogmatic 教条的,武断的,自以为是的 a dogmatic approach dogmatical dogmatically dogmatism 教条主义的 didactic 教条的
forgo 放弃(好东西)forgo your lunch hour to attend the meeting forbear 忍住不去做
gigantic 巨大的,庞大的 gigantic rock gigantism
indispensable 不可或缺的,绝对必要的 dispense 分配 dispense with 免除 essential
insipid 乏味的,没有自慰的 insipid conversation tedious vapid
intelligible 易懂的,可以理解的 his lecture was readily intelligible to all the students intelligent unintelligible 难懂的 accessible comprehensible
jejune 幼稚的,枯燥乏味的 a long, jejune evening insipid tedious vapid
parochial 教区的,狭隘的 parochialism insular provincial
primitive 原始的,发展落后的 primitive beliefs prime
pristine 原始的,未开发的,崭新的 the car is in pristine condition untouched virgin
purport 自称,标榜;主旨,大意 a book that purports to tell the whole truth purportedly 据称 profess allege
resilient 有弹力的,有韧劲的 resilience 恢复力 flexible elastic
scrupulous 仔细的,一丝不苟的,讲良心的 scruple scrupulously meticulous circumspect punctilious scrutinize 仔细审查
surfeit 过度,过量 a surfeit of sth excess
susceptible 易受影响的,感情丰富的 be susceptible to 易受影响 susceptibility vulernable unaffected suspect 怀疑
Section 23
accede 继位,同意 accede to the demands accede to the throne accession 继位,正式加入
befuddle 使迷惑 problems that are befuddling them befuddled befuddling baffle confound perplex
circumscribe 约束,限定 circumspect 谨慎的
circumvent 回避,绕开
deceptive 欺骗的,虚假的 a deceptive advertisement deceive 欺骗 deceit deception duplicitous
enervate 使虚弱 enervating an enervating disease/climate debilitate demoralize
fatigue 使疲劳;疲劳 physical and mental fatigue fatigued fatiguing debilitate demoralize enervate
halfhearted 不认真的,不热心的 a halfhearted apology halfheartedly unenthusiastic
heartfelt 衷心的,真诚的
impartial 公平的,不偏不倚的 an impartial investigation/observer partial 部分的,偏心的 evenhanded disinterested
inert 惰性的,无生气的 the novel itself remains oddly inert inertial 惰性的 inertness
jubilant 喜气洋洋的 the team were greeted by thousands of jubilant supporters
laconic 简洁的,简明的 a laconic speech concise talkative garrulous loquacious
paucity 缺乏,少量 a paucity of information dearth surfeit
proselytize 劝诱改宗 proselytize sb proselytizer convert
sensuous 愉悦感官的,性感的 sensuous music sensation sensory sensual
shortcut 捷径 a shortcut to love
slumber 睡眠;睡觉 he had fallen into exhausted slumber slumberous 昏睡的
somnolent 催眠的,困倦的 a somnolent Sunday afternoon somniferous somnific
static 静态的,停滞;静电 a static population level stasis 停滞的状态 a state of stasis inert
voluble 健谈的 she was voluble with excitement loquacious garrulous
Section 24
admonish 责备,告诫,劝告 admonish sb for sth/doing sth admonishment admonitory
antecedent 祖先,前事;先前的 historical antecedents of this theory antecedence precedent 先例
antithetical 对立的,正相反的 A is antithetical to B antithesis 对立面 opposite antagonistic adversarial adversary
decay 腐坏,衰败 economic decay;moral decay;urban decay decayed corrupt decadent
demise 死亡 his imminent demise end termination
deride 嘲笑 his views were derided as old-fashioned derisive 嘲笑的 derision 嘲笑 ridicule mock
entail 牵扯,需要 the job entails a lot of hard work involve cause
exacerbate 使加剧,恶化 the symptoms may be exacerbated by certain drugs exacerbation excoriate 严厉指责 exasperate 激怒
harrowing 令人痛心的 have a harrowing time harrow 耙地,让人苦恼 heroin
hidebound 守旧的,迂腐的,陈腐的 the men are hidebound and reactionary banal
impulsive 冲动的 an impulsive decision/gesture impulsively impulse 冲动 pulse 脉搏 impetuous
lambaste 猛烈抨击,公开批评 lambaste sb scold 斥责
magnify 放大,扩大,增强 magnify the problem of water shortages magnification intensify amplify
naive 天真的,幼稚的 politically naive naively naivete naivety simple
pronounced 显著的 pronounce 宣布 she has very pronounced views on art remarkable conspicuous
shackle 束缚 the labour unions are shackled by the law ramshackle 摇摇欲坠的 bridle check
stale 陈腐的,不新鲜的 her relationship with Mark has become stale hidebound banal
trendy 时髦的 trendy clothes fashionable
Section 25
anthropogenic 人类起源的,人为的 anthropology 人类学 artificial
disseminate 传播,散布 their findings have been widely disseminated disseminative 散布的 diffuse
ebb 落潮,衰退 be at low ebb;be at their lowest ebb
embellish 装饰,美化 embellish a story embellishment decorate ornament adorn
hierarchical 分层的,等级制度的 a hierarchical society/organization hierarchy
implicit 含蓄的,内含的 implicit criticism the ability to listen is implicit in the teacher's role explicit 清楚的
interplay 互相影响 the interplay between politics and the environment interaction
molder 腐烂,退化;铸工 the room smelt of moldering books moulder mold 模具,霉菌;发霉
recant 公开放弃 refuse to recant his belief forgo 放弃
ridicule 嘲笑 ridiculous 荒谬的 deride
rote 死记硬背 to learn by rote,rote learning cram 突击考试,死记硬背
sparse 稀疏的,稀少的 the sparse population of the island sparsely sparsity paucity dearth
stratified 分层的,不同阶层的 a highly stratified society stratify stratification hierarchical
teem 挤满 be teeming with it's teeming down abound 大量存在 replete
Section 26
august 威严的 formidable dignified
aver 断言 assert avert 回避 averse 讨厌的
concomitant 同时发生的,伴随的;伴随物 a concomitant increase accompanying
consolidate 巩固,合并 consolidate my lead with a second goal consolidation solidarity 团结
conspire 共谋 conspire with sb to do sth circumstances had conspired against them conspiracy 阴谋 conspirator 共谋者 contrive 策划
collude 串通 collude with sb to do/in doing sth collusive 共谋的 conspire
counterforce 反作用力 counterproductive counteract 抵消 counterfeit 造假
defer 推迟;顺从 defer to sb deferred 延期的 deferral deferential 顺从的 deference 顺从 deter 威慑
feign 假装,装作 feign death/illness/indifference feigned 假的 pretend affect
gleam 闪光 a gleam of hope 一丝希望 gleaming 闪光的 glitter
hearten 鼓舞 the news heartened everybody heartened heartening encourage halfhearted heartfelt
majestic 庄严的,雄伟的 a majestic river majesty 威严 august magnificent
rampant 猖獗的,泛滥的 rampant inflation rampage 横冲直撞 rambling 闲聊的
recession 衰退 the economy is in deep recession recess recessive 隐性的 depression stagnation
sloth 怠惰,懒惰,树懒 he admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth slothful
slump 价格骤跌,锐减 sales have slumped this year recession plummet
superfluous 多余的,不必须的 she gave him a look that made words superfluous unnecessary surfeit 多余,过量 superficial 肤浅的
treatise 专题论文 Locke's Treatise on Civil Government thesis dissertation 博士论文
unease 不安 a deep feeling/sense of unease ease restless
Section 27
aggregate 总数,合计 in the aggregate aggregate demand/investment aggregation 聚集
aggravate 使严重,使恼火 aggravate the situation aggravating 恼人的 aggravation exacerbate 恶化
avant-garde 前卫 avant-garde music 前卫的音乐 vanguard 先锋
conceive 想象,怀孕 conceive of sth conceive sth as sth conceive a child conceivable conceivably envisage 想象
countermand 撤销命令 countermand an order counterforce counteract
eloquent 雄辩的,流利的 an eloquent speaker/speech eloquence eloquently loquacious voluble
explicit 清楚的,易于理解的,明确的 she was quite explicit about why she had left implicit 含蓄的 explicate 解释
fictitious 虚构的,虚假的 all the places and characters in the novel are fictitious affected
flout 公然藐视,无视 flout authority/concention flute 笛子 deride
interval 间隔,幕间休息 at 5-minute intervals internal
motive 动机,目的 I'm suspicious of his motives motiveless motivation emotive 感情多的
novel 长篇小说;新颖的 a novel feature innovative
obfuscate 使模糊,使混淆 obfuscate the issue obfuscation obscure baffle perplex befuddle
obliterate 毁掉,覆盖 the building was completely obliterated by the bomb obliteration
oblivious 未注意的 she was oblivious to pain oblivion unaware unconscious obliterate
parity 平等 achieve wage or occupational parity equation
prolong 延长,拖延 foreign military aid was prolonging the war prolonged
protract 延长 prolong detract 减损
simplistic 过分简化的 he has a simplistic view of XX simplified simplicity
slippery 滑的,狡猾的 he is a slippery man cunning
spurn 唾弃,拒绝(傲慢的)spurn A's invitation spur 刺激 reject
Section 28
adolescence 青春期 in the early adolescence adolescent 青春期的 juvenile puberty
aggrieve 使悲痛 it aggrieved her much that she could not go grieve 悲痛
cataclysmic 灾难的,大变动的 the change turned out to be cataclysmic cataclysm catastrophic calamitous catalyst 催化剂
cliquish 搞小团体的 cliquish gossip clique factious 派别的
collide 碰撞,严重不一致 collide with sb over sth collision collider 对撞机 impact conflict
definitive 最后的,决定性的,最佳的 a definitive agreement/answer/statement definitively definite 一定的,确切的
diatribe 指责,谴责 a bitter diatribe against the younger generation censure condemnation excoriation
disquisition 专题论文,专题演讲 an authoritative disquisition about contracts treatise disposition 性情
divisive 造成不和的,造成分裂的 unemployment is socially divisive divided 分裂的,分歧的
endemic 地方性的,普遍的 be endemic among children pandemic 全球的,流行的
equity 公正,公司股本/资产净值 equity fund equality parity fairness
exculpate 开脱,使无罪 exculpate sb for sth inculpate 归罪于 culpable 有罪的
outdated 过时的 dated 过时的 outmoded
rant 咆哮,怒吼 rant at sb;rant on about sth roar
scratch 挠,划破皮肤 start from scratch scratch your head over sth
stipulate 规定 A delivery data is stipulated in the contract stipulation specify
stymie 阻碍 sb is stymied by sth hinder impede encumber stem
vilify 诽谤 vilify sb as sth vilify sb for doing sth vilification vilifier malign
vindicate 证明无罪,证明有理 this decision is fully vindicated vindication=justification justify
vindictive 怀恨的,报复性的 a vindictive comment revengeful 怀恨在心的
winnow 遴选 winnow the list of candidates to three sift out filter out 去除掉
Section 29
abstemious 饮食有度的,节制的 austere
abstruse 深奥的,难懂的 an abstruse argument arcane esoteric unintelligible impenetrable elusive
adjudicate 判决,裁决,裁判 adjudicate on/upon/in sth adjudicate between A and B adjudication adjudicator sentense
autheticate 证实,证明为真 the letter has been authenticated by handwriting experts authentic authentication
bog 沼泽;使陷入沼泽 bog sb down in sth I get bogged down
defining 最典型的,起到决定性作用的 a defining moment definitive 明确的
delusive 欺骗的,虚假的 a delusive promise delude 欺骗 delusion 迷惑,错觉 deceptive deluge 洪水
erroneous 错误的 an erroneous conclusion/assumption unerring 万无一失的
indiscretion 轻率,冲动,不检点的行为 he talked to the press in a moment of indiscretion discretion 谨慎 discretionary 自由决定的 impulsive
prompt 促使;迅速的,及时的 prompt sb to do sth be prompt in doing sth
repetitous 重复乏味的,唠叨的 a long and repetitious speech repetitive long-winded
reprimand 谴责,斥责 reprimand sb for sth receive a severe reprimand for sth condemn diatribe
reproach 责备,指责 he looked at her with reproach reprimand
sketchy 简略的,不完备的 sketchy notes sketch 素描
sensible 明智的,合理的 say something sensible be sensible of=be aware of sensibility 敏感性 sense and sensibility sensuous 感觉上的 sensitive
surreptitious 秘密的,鬼鬼祟祟的 made a surreptitious entrance to the club surreptitiously
superstitious 迷信的 superstitious beliefs be superstitious about superstitiously superstition numinous 精神的
Section 30
chic 时髦 a chic new restaurant trendy 时髦的
compunction 内疚,悔恨 feel/have compunction about doing sth have no compunction about sth guilty
conflate 合并 her letters conflate past and present conflation coalesce
distinctive 独特的,有特色的 clothes with a distinctive style distinct distinction characteristic
divulge 泄露,暴露 refuse to divulge the identity of the suspect divulge sth to sb reveal leak deluge 大洪水
dour 冷酷的,严厉的,阴沉的 a dour city stern severe
ebullient 热情洋溢的 be in ebullient mood ebullience boiling
glamorous 迷人的,富有魅力的 a glamorous job unglamorous glamor 魅力
gloomy 黑暗的,沮丧的 a gloomy room a gloomy expression gloom 忧郁,昏暗 depressing
grimy 肮脏的,污秽的 grimy hands grime 污垢 dirty
jovial 快活的,愉快的 be in a jovial mood jovially joviality jubilant
lugubrious 悲哀的,悲伤的 a lugubrious expression doleful
mirthful 愉快的 merry mirth 欢乐 jovial
murky 浑浊的,昏暗的 a murky night gloomy
offset 抵消,弥补 A is offset by B counteract neutralize
overwrought 过度工作的,过度劳累的 an overwrought man
portend 预示,预兆 the change did not portend a basic improvement in social conditions portent 前兆 portentous 不详的 forecast foresee
premeditate 预谋 meditate 冥想 mediate 调解
subordinate 从属的,次要的;下属,使处于下级 all other issues are subordinate to this one subordination secondary 次要的 inferior submission 屈服
tepid 微微温的,不热情的 tepid tea lukewarm
unfathomable 高深莫测的,难懂的 an unfathomable mystery fathom 英寻,彻底理解 impenetrable
Section 31
bighearted 慷慨的,宽大的 munificent
captivate 迷住,使着迷 the children were captivated by her story captive 俘虏 captivating 迷人的 enchant beguile
epoch 时代,纪元 geological epochs era
expedient 权宜的,权宜之计 the disease was controlled by the simple expedient of not allowing anyone to leave the city expedite 加速 inexpedient 不恰当的 expediency 权宜
fray 磨损,使烦躁;争吵 Tempers began to fray as the teams failed to score irk vex
hamstring 脚筋,切断脚筋;妨碍 rural schools were hamstring by their inability to attract and keep experienced staff cripple disable
inflammatory 发炎的,有炎症的;煽动性的 inflammatory remarks inflammation 炎症 seditious 煽动性的
inimical 敌意的,有害的 be inimical to enemy adversarial antagonistic
intrude 闯入,打扰 intrude on people‘s private lives intrusive intruder incursive 入侵
invigorate 鼓舞,使兴旺 take a deep breath in to invigorate you invigorate the economy vigorous 精力充沛的 invigoration vigor 活力 cheer stimulate buoy
lucid 明晰的,易懂的 a lucid style/explanation lucidity pellucid 透明的,清晰的 elucidate 阐明
manic 狂热的,兴奋的 things are manic in the office at the moment mania megalomaniacal 自大狂
meander 漫步,蜿蜒 we took a road that meandered through farmland meandering 蜿蜒的 meadow 草坪
mysterious 神秘的,难解的 a mysterious illness mystery 谜题 enigma 难题 enigmatic
objection 反对 raise an objection to sb have no objection object 物体;反对;目标 objective 客观的 objectionable 可反对的 opposition 相反
outrage 愤怒;使震怒 the judge’s remarks caused public outrage outrageous 粗暴的 outraged 气愤的 wrath 震怒
prestigious 赫赫有名的,有威望的 a prestigious award prestige 威望
puerile 幼稚的 puerile schoolboy humour puerility childish 幼稚的 adolescent jejune
qualify 使合格,限制 constraint
reminiscent 回忆的,怀旧的 reminiscent of sb/sth reminiscence reminisce conjure sth up 想起
revitalize 使复活,使复兴 measures to revitalize the inner cities revitalization invigorate resurgence
sane 精神健全的,明智的 no sane person would do that insane 神经质的 sanity 理智 sensible 明智的
taxing 费力的,繁重的 a taxing job arduous onerous exacting demanding
Section 32
assiduous 刻苦的,勤勉的 he is assiduous in learning English assiduity assiduously diligent industrious
burgeon 萌芽,迅速增长 My confidence began to burgeon later in life burgeoning germ 病菌,萌芽 spring up bud
certitude 确信 he said it with absolute certitude certainty credential 证明,证件
clumsy 笨拙的,不当的 a clumsy attempt unwieldy cumbersome
coddle 溺爱 she coddled her youngest son madly mollycoddle 溺爱 spoil dote on
curtail 缩短,限制 spending on books has been severely curtailed curtailment curt entail 使必要
dejected 沮丧的,灰心的 he looked so dejected when he lost the game dejectedly depressed
detest 厌恶,憎恨 they detested each other on sight detestation loathe abominate abhor
disparage 贬低,轻视,诋毁 I don‘t mean to disparage your achievements disparagement deprecate disparate 不同
fallacy 谬论,谬误 It is a fallacy to say that the camera never lies fallacious 谬误的 fallibility 出错性
fetus 胎儿 embryo
flee 逃跑 flee from sb/sth flee to some place flea 跳蚤
fleeting 飞逝的,闪现的 a fleeting smile fleet
maelstrom 漩涡,大骚乱 the maelstrom of ethnic hatreds turbulence 动乱
mien 举止,风度 it was impossible to tell from his mien whether he was offended demeanor 举止 bearing air
misconstrue 误解,曲解 misconstrue sth as sth misunderstand misinterpret
mockery 嘲笑,被嘲笑的对象 A makes a mockery of B mock 嘲笑,假装 deride
mollify 使平静,抚慰 the investigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups mollification lull
obsequious 谄媚的,巴结的 an obsequious manner flattering sycophantic
politic 明智的,得当的 it seemed politic to say nothing poll 民意调查 sensible sane
proponent 支持者,倡导者 proponent of sth opponent 反对者
retrench 紧缩开支,缩减 now the danger is that consumers will have retrench, leading to a nasty economic slowdown retrenchment curtail
sabotage 破坏,妨碍 an act of economic sabotage
sidestep 回避 he really sidesteps a question circumvent bypass
stupefy 使惊讶,使神志不清 I was stupefied by the amount they had spent stupefaction stun 打昏
supreme 最高的,最大的 the supreme court supremacy 霸权,至高无上
venerate 崇敬,尊敬 venerate sb as sth veneration venerated renerent 恭敬的 inveterate 根深蒂固的
Section 33
aggrandize 吹捧,夸大 at the dinner table, my father would go on and on, showing off, aggrandizing himself self-aggrandizing
chaotic 混沌的,混乱的 chaos The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour
concoct 捏造,调制 she concocted some elaborate story to explain her absence concoction 混合物 fabricate
conjunction 连词,结合,同时发生 the conjunction of A and B A is done in conjunction with B compunction 悔恨,懊悔
counterintuitive 反直觉的 counterforce countermand
deify 神化,崇拜 Steven Jobs was virtually deified by fans of Apple deity 神 divine 神圣的 deification venerate 崇敬
impute 归罪 impute a crime/blame to sb imputation inculpate exculpate
laud 赞美 they lauded the former president as a hero laudatory 赞美的 lauded 被赞美的 laudation encomium exalt
manifest 清楚显示,明显的 his nervousness was manifest to all those present manifestly manifestation apparent patent lucid
ponderous 笨重的,沉闷的 he had a dense, ponderous style ponderously clumsy unwieldy cumbersome tedious
supersede 取代 A is superseded by B replace substitute supplant
Section 34
inflate 涨价,充气,夸大 they inflated their clients’ medical injuries and treatment to defraud insurance companies inflation 通货膨胀 deflate 泄气 deflation 通货紧缩
Section 35
absurd 荒唐的,荒谬的;荒唐的事 what an absurd idea absurdity absurdly ridiculous
accessory 配件,从犯,帮凶;辅助的 he was charged with being an accessory to murder accessorial 从属的 conspirator adjunct ancillary
arrest 逮捕,吸引,抑制 arrest the disease arresting 引人注意的 attest 证明,证实
articulate 清晰地说;清楚表达地 she struggled to articulate her thoughts inarticulate 说不清楚 articulation
deteriorate 变坏,恶化 deteriorate into sth deterioration decay degenerate deleterious detrimental 有害的
escalate 加剧,逐步升级 A escalated into B escalating 逐步增加的 escalation 上涨 aggravate exacerbate
exemplar 模范,榜样 They viewed their new building as an exemplar of taste model paradigm paragon
extirpate 根除,彻底破坏 extirpate the state uproot expire 到期
eradicate 根除,消灭 eradicate racism eradication extirpate
glorify 赞美,美化 glorify violence glorification laud deify
insidious 阴险的,暗中危害的 the insidious effects of polluted water supplies invidious 讨人厌的,烦人的
millennial 千年的,千禧年 the millennials 千禧一代 millennium 千年 millennia generation Y generation Z baby boomer
mishandle 处理不当,粗暴对待 the equipment could be dangerous if mishandled mismanage abuse
perish 死亡,消失 early buildings were made of wood and have perished perishable 快腐烂的 demise 死亡
placid 平静的 a placid baby/horse placidity 平静 placidly tranquil tractable
rationalize 合理化 an attempt to rationalize his violent behaviour justify legimize
reassure 使安心 They tried to reassure her but she still felt anxious reassuring 让人安心的
soothe 安慰,缓和痛苦 soothe her soothing 舒缓的 mollify
succession 连续,继承 successive 连续的
tenuous 脆弱的,微弱的 a tenuous hold on life tenuously
attenuate 减弱,让...变小 you could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it attenuation diminish
trigger 扳机,导火线;引起 trigger off a trigger for
unadorned 不加修饰的,朴素的 adorn 装饰 austere simple
Section 36
acumen 聪明,敏锐 business acumen financial acumen acute
bewilder 使迷惑 the silence from Alex had hurt and bewildered her bewildered 迷惑的 baffle confound perplex befuddle
bumble 笨手笨脚,嘟嘟囔囔;大错误 He bumbled his way through his speech bumbling 笨手笨脚的 stumble 绊脚 fumble 笨手笨脚地做
bungle 笨拙地做;搞砸了 they bungled the job bumble
blunder 犯错,跌跌撞撞地走;愚蠢错误 No doubt I had blundered again bumble bungle
cantankerous 脾气坏的,爱抱怨的 a cantankerous old man fractious irascible
cohere 连贯,团结 A cohere with B coherent 连贯的 cohesive 有凝聚力的 cogent 有说服力的
diffident 羞怯的,胆怯的 a diffident manner/smile diffidence 羞怯
entrench 牢固确立 Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society entrenched 牢固的 retrench 减少开支 ingrained inveterate 根深蒂固的
fiery 火一般的,易怒的 She has a fiery temper fractious irascible cantankerous fierce 凶猛的
genteel 彬彬有礼的,装体面的 a genteel manner genteelly boorish 粗鲁的 churlish 粗鲁的
implacable 不能安抚的,不能改变的 an implacable enemy 死敌 placate 安抚 placable 可安抚的 conciliatory 愿意和解的 uncompromising intransigent 固执的
incentive 动机,刺激 incentive for sb to do sth motive motivation
instantaneous 瞬间的,即时的 Death was almost instantaneous spontaneous 自发的
misfeasance 违法行为 misconduct malfeasance malpractice
nonchalant 冷淡的,漠不关心的,满不在乎的 appear/sound nonchalant nonchalance nonchalantly insouciant indifferent
plaintive 哀伤的,悲哀的 a plaintive voice plaint 悲伤的哭泣 plaintiff 原告 mournful 哀悼的 lugubrious
preach 说教,布道 You are preaching at me again preachy 说教的 impeach 弹劾,怀疑
querulous 易怒的,爱抱怨的 quarrel cantankerous
reserved 保留的,内向的,寡言少语的 He was unemotional and reserved unreserved 无保留的 taciturn diffident
salutary 有益的,有用的 a salutary lesson/experience salute salubrious 有益健康的 insalubrious
sanctimonious 假装虔诚的,道貌岸然的 He writes sanctimonious rubbish sanctimony pious 假装虔诚
Section 37
auteur 电影导演 director amateur 业余选手
calculated 精心策划的,故意的 He took a calculated risk be calculated to do sth considered measured designed
congenial 意气相投的,相宜的 a congenial working environment congeniality like-mined
conscientious 认真的,尽责的 a conscientious student/teacher conscience 良心
droll 滑稽的,可笑的 drollness doll dull 乏味的
fastidious 挑剔的,一丝不苟的 her fastidious attention to historical detail fastidiously fastus 傲慢 meticulous punctilious
hypercritical 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 fastidious
hypocritical 虚伪的,伪善的 It would be hypocritical to say hypocrisy 伪善 hypocrite 伪君子 sanctimonious
monarchy 君主制,君主制的国家 abolish the monarchy monarch 君主 monarchical 君主的
imprudent 轻率的,不明智地 an imprudent investment prudent 谨慎的 imprudency imprudence impulsive indiscreet
ogre 食人魔鬼,可怕的人 My boss is a real ogre ogress 食人女妖
opprobrious 无礼的,耻辱的 opprobrious language/conduct opprobrium 耻辱 obsequious 谄媚的
overstate 夸大 exaggerate hyperbole downplay 轻描淡写 understate
pedagogical 教育学的,教育法的 pedagogy
pensive 沉思的,忧郁的 a pensive mood
platitude 陈词滥调 It‘s no more than a platitude platitudinous 陈腐的 cliche plentitude 充分
polarize 使极化 Public opinion has polarized on the issue that The issue has polarized public opinion polarization 两极分化
profitmonger 贪婪的人,唯利是图的人 scaremonger 贩卖恐慌的人 mercenary avaricious voracious 贪婪的
quip 俏皮话 make a quip
redundant 多余的,过剩的 redundant employees redundantly 多余地 unnecessary
regal 帝王般的,豪华的 regal power grand 奢华的
restorative 回复健康的,整容的;补品 the restorative power of fresh air
salient 显著的,突出的 He summarize the salient points salience 显著 pronounced conspicuous
supercilious 目空一切的,高傲的 His manner is supercilious and arrogant supercilium 眉毛 presumptuous overbearing assuming superstitious 迷信的
tonic 补药 health tonics restorative toxic 有毒的
visionary 有眼见的,有远见的;有远见的人 a visionary leader farsighted
Section 38
accountable 有责任的 Politicians are ultimately accountable to the voters Be held accountable for sth accountability responsible
affirmative 肯定的,积极的 an affirmative answer affirm 断言,肯定
blatant 公然的,明目张胆的 It was a blatant lie blatantly 公然地 bland 乏味的
bleak 荒凉的,阴冷的 bleak house The future looks bleak for XX industry bleakly 荒凉地 bleakness bleach 惨白的
caterwaul 猫叫春,尖嚎声 caterwaul in distress caterwauling
commonplace 平凡的,司空见惯地 Computers are now commonplace in primary classrooms mundane prosaic 庸俗的
croon 低声吟唱 She gently crooned a lullaby
diverting 娱乐性的,消遣的 divert 转移 diversion 消遣 diverse 多样的
equivocal 模棱两可的,难以理解的 She gave an equivocal answer, typical of a politician equivocate equivocation ambiguous unambiguous univocal
generic 一般的,通用的 a generic term general
irritating 恼人的,刺激性的 He has the irritating habit of interrupting irritate irritation irritatingly provocative irksome 恼人的
nondescript 无特征的,无个性的,平庸的 describe dull 平凡无奇的
outright 完全的,绝对的 an outright rejection/victory complete absolute
overture 序曲,前奏曲,友好姿态 He began making overtures to a number of merchant banks overt 公然的 overturn 颠覆
perfigure 预示,预兆,预想 The wall through Berlin was finally ruptured, prefiguring the reunification of Germany portend
propitious 吉利的,适合的 wait for the most propitious moment auspicious apropos
shriek 尖叫 she shrieked in fright Shrek scream caterwaul
slapdash 仓促的,马虎的 a slapdash piece of writing perfunctory hasty
unflinching 不畏缩的,坚定的 unflinching loyalty flinch 畏缩 steadfast
unruly 难以管教的,难以驾驭的 unruly behavior intractable 不可管理的 disobedient incompliant
warble 鸟叫 The bird continued to warble croon marble 大理石
Section 39
albeit 虽然,尽管 He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help us although be it although for all
brute 暴君;粗暴的,残忍的 brute force/strength brutal 残忍的 brutish 残忍的 brutality 残忍 cruel flute 笛子
culpable 有罪的,该责备的 Their decision to do nothing makes them culpable culpability 负有责任 culprit 罪人 exculpate 脱罪
defy 藐视,公然反抗 I would not have dared to defy my teachers the beauty of the scene defies description defiant 蔑视的 flout 藐视 decry 谴责
evocative 唤起的 evocative of sth evoke elicit provocative 挑衅的
frenzy 疯狂,狂暴 She ordered in a frenzy frenetic 疯狂的
gratify 使满足,使高兴 It gratified him to think that it was all his work gratifying gratification grateful gratitude
headway 进展 We are making little headway with the negotiations progress advancement
hearing 听力,审讯,庭审 a court hearing/disciplinary hearing
iconoclastic 打破习俗的,打破偶像的 his iconoclastic views of American society iconoclasm iconoclast idiosyncratic 个人特质的
idle 闲置的,懒惰的,无用的;闲逛 an idle student idle chatter idly 懒惰地 idleness
jarring 刺耳的,令人不快的 His comments strike a jarring note
meager 贫乏的,瘦的 a meager diet of bread and water meagre sparse scant meander 蜿蜒的
outlandish 异国的,奇怪的 outlandish costumes/ideas outlandishly exotic quirky
pitfall 陷阱,隐患 the potential pitfalls of buying a house A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit trap
rehash 老调重弹 They rehashed it recap 概括 recast 重铸 cliche platitude banality
sweeping 影响广泛的;笼统的 sweeping reforms/changes A sweeping generalization
temperate 温和的,适度的 keeps a temperate climate throughout the year intemperate temperately temperance 节制 temperance movement 禁酒运动 mild moderate
torpor 死气沉沉,懒散 In the heat they sank into a state of torpor torpid 死气沉沉的 tepid 温热的 lethargic idle
zenith 顶峰,顶点 His career is now at its zenith nadir
Section 40
backhanded 间接的,反手拍击的 a backhanded compliment 挖苦 indirect
deadlock 僵局 reach/break a deadlock deadlocked 僵局的 impasse
degrade 贬低,侮辱,使恶化 degrade women degradation degrading 有辱人格的
delegate 代表,授权 The job had to be delegated to an assistant delegation 代表团 devolve 授权
dilatory 拖拉的,延误的 The government has been dilatory in dealing with the problem of unemployment procrastination 拖延病 dilute 稀释
espouse 支持,拥护 The espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education spouse 配偶 espousal 拥护 support back bolster
fraudulence 欺诈 fraud 骗子 fraudulent 欺骗的 trickster skullduggery
hectic 紧张忙碌的 a hectic schedule
hitherto 迄今 a hitherto unknown species of moth hereto
hysteria 歇斯底里,大惊小怪 public hysteria about AIDS hysterical 歇斯底里的 hysteric frenzy mania 狂热
impeccable 无暇的,无可挑剔的 impeccable manners/taste flawless faultless implacable 不可安抚的
meteoric 流星般的,迅速成功的 a meteoric rise to fame meteor 流星 meteorite 陨石
paltry 微不足道的,无用的 a platry sum trivial negligible
quell 平息,镇压,消除 quell the disturbances/your fears kill repress suppress
scenic 风景优美的,观光的 This is an extremely scenic part of America A scenic route scene
Section 41
autonomous 自主的,自治的 The teacher treated us as autonomous individuals autonomy 自治 independent self-ruled self-governed
douse 泼水,浇水 douse a fire douse him with petrol dampen 熄灭,抑制
extinguish 熄灭,毁灭,消灭 extinguish the fire extinguish her hopes douse extirpate eradicate
fade 使褪色,变暗,逐渐消失 Hopes seem to be fading away faded 褪色的 dim 变暗
hamper 妨碍,阻止;礼品大篮子 The bad weather hampered rescue operations hinder impede stymie encumber stem
intercept 拦截 The letter was intercepted interception 侦听 inception 开始
malleable 可塑的,可以改变的 She was young enough to be malleable plastic 可塑的 susceptible
melancholy 忧郁,悲伤 melancholy thoughts/memories melancholic nonchalant 冷漠的
negligible 微不足道的 neglect 忽视 neglectful negligent 马虎的 paltry inconsequential trivial
overly 过度地 overtly 明显地,公然地
oversee 监督,审查 oversee a job/an activity oversight 疏忽 overview 概述 overlook 忽视
reclusive 隐居的,独处的 a reclusive man recluse solitary 孤独的,独处的
sacrosanct 神圣不可侵犯的 Freedom of the press is sacrosanct sanct 神圣的 sanctimonious 假装虔诚的 sacred 神圣的
spotlight 聚光灯;突出报道,特别关注 in/under the spotlight The programme spotlights financial problems
suffocate 闷死,使窒息 She felt suffocated by all the regulations suffocation choke stifle
unmistakable 不会弄错的,清楚的,明确的 the unmistakable sound of gunfire obvious
wrest 抢夺 wrest control of the town from wrestle 摔跤
Section 42
anodyne 止痛剂;平淡的,温和的,不得罪人的 Their quarterly meetings were anodyne affairs bland 平淡的 alleviation 镇痛剂
brackish 咸的 brackish lakes salty
effluvium 恶臭 effluvial 恶臭的
emergent 新兴的 emergent antions/states emerge 出现 emergency 紧急事件 emerging
malodorous 恶臭的 malnutrition 营养不良 odor 气味 malodor effluvial
noisome 恶臭的,恶心的 noisome smell effluvial malodorous
pecuniary 金钱的,和钱相关的 ecnomic
proscribe 禁止 They are proscribed by the federal law from owning guns proscription ban forbid
recreational 娱乐的 recreational activities/facilities recreation diverting
redolent 有...气味的,使人想到的 a kitchen redolent with the smell of baking The music is redolent of Far Eastern cultures redolence evocative reminiscent conjure up
self-defeating 弄巧成拙的,适得其反的 a self-defeating strategy backfile
tantamount 同等的 be tantamount to
uncanny 神秘的,奇怪的,难以理解的 I had an uncanny feeling I was being watched canny 老谋深算的 weird mysterious
valediction 告别演说
Section 43
bourgeois 中产阶级的,追求名利平庸时速 bourgeois attitude/taste burlesque 滑稽戏
capitulate 认输,屈服,投降 capitulate to their demands capitulation recapitulate 摘要 captivate 迷住某人 yield succumb surrender
cede 放弃,割让 Spain ceded the island to America cession concede 承认 accede 同意,继位
corrosive 腐蚀的,损害的 Unemployment is having a corrosive effect on our economy corrupt
dire 悲惨的,危急的,严重的 living in dire poverty dire warning dinosaur
energetic 精力充沛的,充满活力的 energetic supporters energize 鼓舞 energetically invigorate 鼓舞 heartening 鼓舞人心的
eschew 回避,避开 He eschewed publicity circumvent elude bypass sidestep
folly 愚蠢,愚笨 be folly to do sth fool stupidity
formulaic 公式化的,刻板的 His paintings are formulaic formula 公式
milieu 社会环境,社会背景 They stayed within their own social milieu mien 行为举止
noticeable 显而易见的,显著的 a noticeable improvement apparent manifest patent negligible
unbounded 无限的 his unbounded unchecked unqualified infinite boundless
wane 衰弱,衰落,月亏 Her enthusiasm was waning rapidly be on the wane fade wax 月盈 wax and wane 起起落落
well-worn 用旧的,老生常谈的 a well-worn legal tradition shopworn timeworn 陈旧的 careworn 忧心忡忡的 banal 陈腐的 platitude rehash 老调重弹
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amateur 业余爱好者 Jerry is an amateur who dances because he feels like it auteur 电影导演
disgorge 大量涌出,倾泻而出 The bus disgorged a crowd of noisy children gorge 吞没 dump 倾倒
ethos 道德思维,意识 an ethos of public service
facet 部分,方面 The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life multifaceted 多面的 aspect facetious 轻浮的
frown 皱眉,不同意 frown upon at sb/sth She frowned with concentration
furtive 鬼鬼祟祟的,秘密的 He looked sly and furtive furtively furtiveness surreptitious 鬼鬼祟祟的
hindsight 事后诸葛亮 It is easy to criticize with the benefit of hindsight with hindsight foresight 前事
implication 含义,可能的影响 They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions influence
inexorable 不可阻挡的 the inexorable rise of crime intricate 复杂的 extricate 解脱 inextricable 解不开的
perceptive 知觉的,洞察力强的 a highly perceptive comment perceive 感知 perception 感知 perceptual perceptible percipient 洞察敏锐的
proximity 临近 in close proximity be in the close proximity of proclivity 倾向性,嗜好
ritual 仪式;仪式的,例行公事的 ritual expression of sympathy rite 仪式 ritualize 使程式化 routine functional 功能的 secular 世俗的
subtlety 微妙 The subtleties of language subtle 微妙的 nuance
surplus 剩余,盈余;过剩的 Wheat was in surplus that year excessive undue redundant
unworldly 非尘世的,天真的 The landscape had an unworldly beauty worldly 世俗的 ethereal 脱俗的 naive mundane 尘世的
vitiate 损害,削弱 But this does not vitiate his scholarship blemish sabotage 蓄意破坏 validate 使有效
Section 45
concomitant 相伴的,同时发生的;伴随物 A is concomitant with B A is a concomitant of B simultaneous coincidental
gossamer 蛛丝,薄纱;蛛丝般的 the gossamer wings of a dragonfly
jockey 耍手段谋取,不择手段谋取 The runners jockeyed for position at the start contrive fraud trickster intrigue
mascot 吉祥物 Misha the bear is the official mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympics
meddle 干涉,干预 meddle in other people's affairs Meddle with her computer meddlesome 爱管闲事的 interfere muddle 混淆
monotonous 单调的 a monotonous diet monotonously 单调地 tedious
offish 冷漠的,疏远的 be offish with sth stand-offish attitude
square 使相配,适配 square A with B That explanation squares with the facts Back to square one/zero 从零开始
trove 藏品,宝库 a treasure trove of documents trope 比喻
truism 老生常谈,陈词滥调 the truism that nothing succeeds like success cliche platitude well-worn altruism 利他主义
whim 奇想,一时兴致 on a whim at whim whimsy 吊儿郎当的 whimsical 异想天开的 vagary 奇想
Section 46
genome 基因组 the human genome
introspective 内省的,反省的 be more introspective about bigger issues introspect 反思 introspection retrospective 回顾的,有追溯效力的 retroactive 有追溯的效力的
peddle 兜售,散步 peddle illegal drugs peddler 毒贩 tout 兜售 meddle 干涉
ponder 沉思,考虑 ponder on/over The senator pondered the question for a moment pensive 沉思的 ponderous 沉重的
reflective 沉思的,深思的,反射的,反映的 a quiet and reflective man A is reflective of B pensive
sophisticated 先进的,精密的,老练的 sophisticated computer systems sophistication advanced intricate tactful politic canny
tremendous 巨大的,了不起的 a tremendous explosion
Section 47
arbitrary 任意的,武断的,随心所欲的 the arbitrary powers of officials arbitrate 仲裁 arbitration arbitrator dogmatic 教条的,武断的 random
artless 天真的,缺乏艺术性的 She was curiously artless artful 精巧的,取巧的
avert 避免,防止 He did his best to avert suspicion avoid prevent aver 断言,极力主张 averse 反对的
enamor 使迷恋,使着迷 beguile enchant captivate
expeditious 迅速的,敏捷的 Arbitration is a fair and expeditious decision-making process expedite 加快 expedient 权宜的
hedge 树篱,防止损失的手段;包围,限制 hedge fund 对冲基金
lament 挽歌;哀悼,痛惜 In the poem he laments the destruction of the countryside lamentable 可悲的 mourn 哀悼
mendacity 谎言 an astonishing display of cowardice and mendacity 懦弱和撒谎 mendacious 撒谎的 lying
paradigmatic 典范的 Their academic success was paraded as paradigmatic paradigm model paragon
perennial 多年生的,长久的 the perennial problem of water shortage annual 一年生的 perennially
poignant 辛酸的 a poignant moment/memory poignancy
reiterate 重申 reiterate an argument/demand/offer iterate 迭代,重复说
supplementary 补充的,追加的 supplementary information supplement supply additional
vital 至关重要的 vital for sb vital to sth vitally vitality 活力 revitalize 复活
Section 48
castigate 严厉批评,斥责,谴责 castigate sb for sth castigation scold lambaste reproach
chastise 斥责,体罚 chastise sb for sth chaste 纯洁的 chasten 使内疚 castigate
concession 让步,妥协 win a concession from sb concede 让步 cede 割让 compromise 妥协,伤害
decouple 分离,隔断 decouple sth from sth decouples culture and politics
distort 扭曲,变形,曲解 Newspapers are often guilty of distorting the truth distortion 扭曲 misinterpret 歪曲 misconstrue contort 扭曲
duplicate 复制,复印;复制品 There is no point in duplicating work already duplication dupe 欺骗 duplicitous 奸诈的
euphemism 委婉语
eulogize 赞扬,称赞 eulogy 颂词,悼词 encomium 颂词
falsity 虚假,不真实 mendacity
glib 油腔滑调的 a glib salesman glide 滑 flippant 油腔滑调的
multifarious 多种的,各种各样的 The reasons for closure are multifarious bifarious 对称生长的
notorious 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的 be notorious for sth/doing sth notoriety 恶名 notoriously infamous egregious
trope 比喻 trove 宝库
veracity 真实,诚实 They questioned the veracity of his story veracious 诚实的 voracious 贪婪的 mentacity
vivacity 活泼 have vivacity vivacious 有活力的 animation
Section 49
appraise 评价,估价 This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies appraisal 评价 assess
conducive 有益的,有助于 A is conducive to B conduce 导致 conductive 导电的 conduct instrumental 工具的,有助于的
deter 制止, 威慑 deter sb from sth/doing sth determent defer 推迟;顺从
devastate 摧毁,毁坏,使震惊悲痛 The bomb devastated much of the old part od the city devastating 骇人的 devastation extinguish 熄灭,摧毁
sever 割断,分离 The two countries have severed all diplomatic links sever sth from sth severable 可以割断的 decouple 分离
tout 兜售,吹捧 Taxi drivers touting for business at airports tout sb as sth peddle 兜售
Section 50
audacious 大胆的,敢于冒险的 an audacious decision audacity 大胆 daring courageous
caution 小心,谨慎;警告 caution sb against sth cautious 小心谨慎的 We need to be cautious about the author's assumption that wary 小心的,谨慎的
drastic 激烈的,极端的,猛烈的 drastic measures/changes drastically dramatic 戏剧般的
germane 相关的,贴切的 remarks that are germane to the discussion pertinent pertaining
humanitarian 人道主义的 humanitarian issues humanistic 人文主义的
intrepid 无畏的,勇敢的 an intrepid explorer intrepidity 无畏 trepidation 胆怯 audacious 大胆的,无畏的 tepid 温热的
omission 疏忽,省略,删除 There were a number of omissions in the article omit 省略 deletion vomit 呕吐
premium 额外费用,保险费;高端的 sth is at a premium 高价 buy sth at a premium
resign 辞职,屈从 He resigned as manager after 8 years resign yourself to sth resigned 顺从的 resignation 辞呈,顺从 defer 顺从
synergy 协同作用 There is a lot of synergy between the two companies synergic 协作的
utter 说出;完全的 utter a cry He felt an utter fool utterance 说话,言论 utterly 完全地
The notion that the director is the center of the team has been enduring, but in fact it has not been accepted by academia 由来已久
The fanciful notion that the legislative initiative would bring unlimited social benefits has soured into an equally baseless mode of skepticism and distrust
The failure to disseminate the vast scientific knowledge of our time to nonscientists shows real indifference to the extent of achievements humanity is capable of, like allowing a great work of art to molder in a warehouse
Unlike, say, locusts, which simply raze entire fifields, stinkbugs wreak their havoc insidiously. The injury they do to corn, for instance, is invisible until the ear is husked, at which point certain kernels the ones into which a stinkbug stuck its pointy mouth-will reveal themselves to be sunken and brown 阴险的 改善
The book is not comprehensive but is, instead, provocative in the most positive sense: suggests rather than settles 挑起的 建议
In film studies---a visually oriented discipline that is fixated on/obsessed with backlit close-ups, eyeline matches, and voyeuristic gazes---scholars have often been tone-deaf to the sounds of music
In sharp contrast to the novel’s scenic realism and precisely characterized figure is its persistent philosophical abstraction/generality
The use of retail coupons is commonly touted as a consumer benefit, discounting the price on an item; however, if the coupon relates to an item that the consumer neither needs nor wants, the discount is immaterial/irrelevant
The notion’s pedigree/origin notwithstanding—it was first proposed by a Nobel Prize-winning physicist —it was neglected for many years until some unexpected observations led to its revival
Recent meteorological conditions in areas of the northeastern part of the country have been so aberrant as to leave scientists dumbfounded. Even those models scientists developed to accommodate these extreme outliers have been found wanting 目瞪口呆 适应
Although Thaler employs an innovative mode of analysis, his study offers yet another examination of quite well-worked ground-namely, the culture ideology of Norwegian-American preservationist writers in the early twentieth century. The history, literature, and changing internal dynamics of the Norwegian subculture in America constitute a particularly well-studied area. Anyone familiar with the authoritative work of scholars in the field will find little in Thaler’sstudy that is new 精细研究的
They applaud the musicals of the 1930s and 1940s, whose plethora of stars, jokes, dances witty dialogue, and general gaiety make today’s offering seem cheerless/gloomy by comparison.
mirthful jovial 高兴的
The Olympic Cycling Team took their repast at the base of the mountain, hoping that the extra calories would sustain them during the tortuous ascent 就餐 umbrage 树荫 dander 皮屑
Because the corporation has suffered consecutive quarter losses, at times arbitrarily terminating jobs, employees fondly recall the halcyon days 宁静的 prodigal 挥霍的
The widespread corruption that has accompanied economic growth is not the result of the people’s adopting the leader’s own standards. Her personal integrity is recognized by all 正直 frugality 节约
The claim that large budget deficits significantly depress private investment and thereby hurt future wages and living standards is fallacious; in reality, the adverse effects of budget deficits are tiny fallacious 错误的 incomprehensible 不可思议的 adverse 负面的 unforeseen 意料之外的 ameliorate 改善
Cave paintings recently found hundreds of feet below the surface in southern France suggest that prehistoric man viewed animals as central to both his rituals and existence. Whether this focus results from the idolization or subjugation remains equivocal - for every painting of a beast riddled with spears, there exists another in which man is depicted in a far more deferential role, arms outspread as though in obeisance equivocal 模棱两可的 deferential 恭顺的 inconsequential 不重要的 diminutive 极小的 sacerdotal 僧侣的
Perhaps then the greatest failing of this deluge of positive psychology books is not that they eschew the complexity typical of psychology in general-and in this case replace it with a breezy glibness-but that they dispense advice that is so pat and littered with platitudes as to be bereft of the very succor the public requires during our trying times eschew 回避 pat 过于简单的 trying 困难的 heady 令人陶醉的 halcyon 平静的
One of the greatest hoaxes in the history of science was perpetrated by the Indian paleontologist Dr. Chandra Gupta, who fabricated entirely counterfeit/spurious for fossils throughout his career 伪冒的 feckless 软弱的 refractory 倔强的 plausible 貌似可行的 circumstantial 间接的 fabricate 捏造
In American art the line between the good and the goods is not a hard-and-fast boundary, for in a commercial society the membrane that separates spirit and store is always porous/permeable 可渗透的 clogged 堵塞的 unwavering/steady 坚定的
Few ideas are more abused/misused than the notion that cultures evolve in Darwin fashion; many academics have begun writing about cultural evolution, but few treat the underlying Darwinian logic with the care it deserves divisive 分裂的 derivative 派生的
The setting in which the concert took place exacted a toll : the group`s performance was elegant and polished, but the sound, which seeped across the cold, unresonant high school auditorium, was oddly tepid , given the energy the players seemed to be putting into it exact a toll 付出代价 tepid 不冷不热的
In his study of Senegambian cleric Shaykh Mass Kah (1827-1936), Bala S. K. Saho notes that it is difficult to fully validate many of the oral accounts on which the study relies. Saho’s work shows, however, that despite this absence of corroboration, oral history can provide useful sources from which historians can reconstruct the past corroboration 证实,支持 reproduce 复制 comprehend 理解;包含 partiality 偏袒 argumentation 论证
It is only recently that emotion has attracted any substantial scholar attention, with historians lagging behind anthropologists, sociologists, and philosophers in their willingness to recognize emotion as subject worthy of scholarly attention. In the past, scholars viewed emotion as a natural and essential force that defied analysis—a strictly private matter and, therefore extraneous to social life and the stuff of research repudiate 拒绝 enliven 使活泼 defy 违抗 requisite 必需品 extraneous 无关的 synonymous 同义的
The newly discovered fossil skeletons have the fifins, scales, and other attributes of a giant fifish,but also the telling anatomical traits of a transitional creature, such as the beginnings of digits,protowrists, and joints resembling elbows on the forward fifins. The specimen is a fifish with features that anticipate the emergence of land animals and is thus a predecessor of amphibians, reptiles,dinosaurs, and mammals.
Both the relationship with space and penetration of space are of fundamental importance in dance. This is the same rapport the sculptor has with his clay or marble. The body sculpts the space, forming a place for itself, simultaneously creating a negative space, that which is unoccupied. A reviewer, writing about the eloquent dancer Hoyer, said that Hoyer could express what could not be born in film or photography. She could capture the space as her own eloquent 雄辩的
To call Kermode the finest English critic of his generation would be a paltry/meager compliment, since not many of its population are professionally engaged in literary criticism 弱的
sincere - heartfelt 真诚的 backhanded 间接的 plausible 看似可信的
The splendor/brilliance of native South American textiles at the time of the Spanish conquest should not be surprising: it represented the apogee of one of the world's oldest and most sophisticated weaving and dyeing traditions eccentricity 偏心
For all the encomiums/tributes the new CEO has received from the press recently, her staff have a decidedly less rosy view of her 赞扬
Many readers today consider the moral sentiments expressed in the ancient writers’ work to be quite vapid, and in the seventeenth century they were similarly regarded as jejune 乏味的
The ability to reproduce in her paintings the supple and shapely lines of her great-grandfather ’s paintings seems to have devolved upon her the way a particular cast of mind might be perpetuated in another family devolve 下放 occlude 堵塞 ebb 衰退 confound 困惑
Pier Gerlofs Donia was a Frisian nobleman whose part in the insurrection against the dominant Vetkoper party and its Hapsburg allies elevated him to a folk hero known as Grutte Pier, a heroic rebel on a quest for revenge against his family's murderers insurrection 起义
Although political events in different countries were not unconnected in the nineteen century, their interrelationship was superficial compared with the present, when interdependence has become far greater: isolationism has ceased to be an option
If big sums are to be spent on cleaning up environmental disasters, it is better to spend them on unglamorous but pressing/critical problems such as unsanitary water in Third World countries futile 无用的 ephemeral 短暂的 transitory 短暂的
Climate change without the Arctic is a recognized catalyst for/factor in change elsewhere: around the world, ocean levels and daily weather are interconnected with the fortunes of a region that was, until recently, largely ignored measure of 衡量 metaphor for 比喻
Far from spurring/fostering innovations, as the patent system was designed to do, the patenting of concepts such as gene sequences gives individuals and corporations a legal choke to hold over ideas that should be useful to all codify catalog 编纂
The burgeoning/expansion of ophthalmology as a field in the United States from 1820 to 1850 is evident in the opening of at least five eye hospitals during this period, offering new venues for ophthalmic treatment and experimentation burgeon expansion 激增 resurgence 复活,再现 sophistication 复杂 retrenchment 紧缩 curtailment 缩短
- 地基词
- Section 1
- Section 2
- Section 3
- Section 4
- Section 5
- Section 6
- Section 7
- Section 8
- Section 9
- Section 10
- Section 11
- Section 12
- Section 13
- Section 14
- Section 15
- Section 16
- Section 17
- Section 18
- Section 19
- Section 20
- Section 21
- Section 22
- Section 23
- Section 24
- Section 25
- Section 26
- Section 27
- Section 28
- Section 29
- Section 30
- Section 31
- Section 32
- Section 33
- Section 34
- Section 35
- Section 36
- Section 37
- Section 38
- Section 39
- Section 40
- Section 41
- Section 42
- Section 43
- Section 44
- Section 45
- Section 46
- Section 47
- Section 48
- Section 49
- Section 50